SLT Liquidation FAQ Forums Teacher Discussions Functional skills

  • Josh Clayman

    July 18, 2021 at 11:21
    502 SLT Rewards
    Badges: Top Fan

    Hi Jason, if you go into the subject then you will see functional skills courses and spaces for maths and English. Currently not for ICT

  • Marsha Yates

    May 18, 2022 at 09:19
    24 SLT Rewards

    Functional Skills are the Basic English, MATHS, and ICT skills that people require in both their professional and personal lives. People can study for the qualifications in a practical manner and use essential skills in real-life scenarios. Various governments have promoted these flexible courses to provide people with the necessary skills to succeed. English and mathematics are required courses in most training and education programs. Diplomas, Foundation Learning Programs, and Apprenticeships all include them as a requirement. Functional Skills are credentials that can be learned independently.

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